Thursday, August 27, 2020

Summertime Favourites: Potato and Egg Salad

Hey everyone! Coming at you with a summer BBQ classic. Autumn is just around the corner but we definitely have a little bit of summer left so we might as well make the most of it. This was an experiment for me as I usually make just potato salad but I thought I'd be adventurous and try out another traditional variation.

As with most things there is a lot you can do to make this salad your own but I want to keep it super simple this time around; if you want some ideas to spice things up let me know in the comments below and I’ll let you in on a few of my favourites!



4-5 medium sized potatoes (or 3 large ex. russet)
3 eggs

¼ cup onion* about ¼ of large, ½ of medium/small
¼ cup bell pepper* about ½ of one

¾ cup mayo
¼ cup vinegar*
Salt and pepper to taste

Extras if ya gottem’

*variety is up to you but i have the following suggestions:
Onion: red, shallot, green
Bell pepper: colour opposite the onion for visual variety
Vinegar: white, apple cider, rice

First step needs to be done ahead of time. You’ll want to hard boil eggs and boil the potatoes until soft. It's up to you if you want to keep the skins on; I personally like a rustic look and taste and so leave them on unless I'm using russets.

*pro tip* making the whole recipe ahead of time, just like soups and sauces, as it will help the dressing really soak in to your ingredients.

Once boiled and cooled it’s time to get chopping. I like to do cubes for the potatoes about ¾ in. and I tried half wedges for the eggs. I like the way that turned out but you could do slices or a more diced look too.

*pro tip* run your knife under hot water before and throughout cutting your eggs. It will help you get smooth cuts and will help prevent the yolk from sticking to your blade.

Along with chopping the bulk of your salad we also need to dice your vegetables. I like to do about a half inch dice for both pepper and onion. I'd rather be on the small side of dice but if you like a good fresh crunch you could go bigger especially with the bell pepper.

Now for the dressing! I have a go-to dressing base for my potato and pasta salads that works well as is and even better when you jazz it up with some herbs and spices! Simply at ¾ cup mayo to ¼ cup vinegar and then add salt and pepper to taste. If this is a little too tart for you add a little bit of sweetener (sugar, honey etc.) but I like my dressings pretty acidic. You can also bring up the creaminess with yogurt or sour cream.

*witchy tip* don't forget to stir in your intentions!
This next part is mostly intuitive except I decided to leave the egg out until everything else was coated with dressing because of its fragility. So, mix together everything until coated, add in your eggs and gently fold to keep them as intact as possible; it's not going to be perfect and that’s okay!

Now into the metaphysical! As I was deciding what I was putting into this recipe I realized what kind of intentions would be perfect for it! These ingredients just screamed, “Out with the negativity and in with the healing!”

Eggs for protection, onion to repel negativity and green bell pepper to promote healing. What a happy accident that happens to be. I’ve been talking a lot about healing and trauma recently and I think this was a nudge in the direction to help them and myself to get rid of the negativity and focus on bringing good into our lives. Hopefully this message reaches those that need it and even if you don't decide to make this potato salad you can still take this and run with it in your own way.

Of course there are other ways to use this recipe with different intentions and adding more correspondences. Even the ingredients you have in front of you with this can have a totally different meaning. Don’t forget to listen to your intuition!

Don’t forget: I want to see what you’ve got cooking! Tag me on Instagram or show me over on my Facebook page! In addition to this let me know what you want to see! Have a request for a recipe? An ingredient spotlight? A kitchen witchery basics topic or term? Let me know! Check out the side bar for all the ways you can get in contact with me!

The Short and Gritty


4-5 medium sized potatoes (or 3 large ex. russet)
3 eggs

¼ cup onion
¼ cup bell pepper

¾ cup mayo
¼ cup vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Hard boil your eggs and boil potatoes until soft. Let them cool.

2. Chop them as well as your vegetables.

3. Combine mayo, vinegar and salt and pepper to create the dressing.

4. Put everything in a bowl except the eggs and mix until coated.

5. Add the eggs and gently fold in.

6. Bon Appetit!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

What Are Your Intentions?!: Kitchen Witchery Basics Part 1

I thought I’d try something a little different this week. There won't be a recipe because I thought I'd cater a little more to those trying to learn about kitchen witchery and the metaphysical. I’m going to make this a series focusing on a specific concept with each post. Keeping this in mind if you have something you want me to cover please let me know. You can do this in the comments, on Instagram, on Facebook or in any of the private messages available through those.

I’d like to begin with a basic concept in all witchcraft: intention. It’s one of the terms I've been using and I realized that I have a lot of beginners reading and they may not fully grasp what I mean when I use the word. And with that even those that have an idea about what it means might not really get how it works. I know this because I was a little frustrated with it when I was starting out. I want you to keep in mind that this is from my own experiences and just because I don't talk about the way you do things doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong. Witchcraft of any sort is a very personal thing and you have to find what works for you; I’m just hoping to give you a place to start if you are feeling lost. I think it’s a hard concept to explain but I’m going to try my best.

What is it?

Intention-- Merriam-Webster defines it in two ways and they both serve as a good definition in the sense of witchcraft:
what one intends(a purpose or goal) to do or bring about
the object for which a prayer, mass, or pious act is offered

Basically magickal intentions are the same as mundane ones. Intention is the energy you raise to bring about the outcome you are trying to manifest. I love that Merriam-Webster brings it up in the religious sense because a lot of people would argue that praying is a type of spellwork despite the fact that some Christians would absolutely hate to see that sentence. There are many Christian witches about though, so don't be fooled!

What the heck does “putting intention into it” mean?!

So, this was the confusing part for me. I understood the word itself but I didn’t really understand the act associated with intention. It seemed vague and none of the resources I was using did a particularly good job explaining it (through no fault of their own and I'm not sure I will do much better.) It's a hard thing to try to explain. Especially since it's not something I can watch you do and tell you if you're doing it right or wrong. It reminds me a bit of when yoga instructors tell you to breathe into your calves or some other body part that is not where your lungs are. And in a weird way it’s kind of the same thing.

At its core putting intention into something is focusing your energy. You focus your energy and channel it into an act or thought. There are many ways to do this and I’d like to look into some specifics in the next post. Think about how you focus your energy in a mundane sense and try to carry it over to your practice.

Okay, But How Do I Do it?

You can think about this is a super mundane way to begin. Any time you take a deep breath to calm your nerves. Any time you look in a mirror to psych yourself up. If you’re an athlete think about what you do before a game or before a specific action like a free throw or volleyball service. Do you bounce the ball three times? Do you say something to yourself? These are all acts of intention.

Quickly, let's circle back to that idea of yoga breath (hopefully this will resonate with at least some of you.) You can’t actually breathe into your calves but you can think about breathing into your calves. You can intend for this breath to reach your calves. It's the same with magickal intention. You can't actually breathe in white light, but you can intend to breathe it in, you can visualize it, you can feel its warmth and you can let it fill you and absorb your negative feelings. That breath you sent to your calves, did you feel it? Did your stretch suddenly get deeper? Did you just manifest a deeper stretch with a breath of intention? Maybe? Maybe that line between magick and mundane is blurrier than we think sometimes.

Here’s an example that more people will relate to: You’re about to walk into a big job interview. You’re waiting in the lobby of an office. You’re nervous. What do you do? You close your eyes and take a deep breath. You’re breathing to let go of the nerves. That focusing breath is a breath of intention. Nervousness isn't a physical thing we can rid ourselves of but it is an energy we can learn to manipulate; that’s what magick and intention are all about. To make this act more magick (although you can totally just do this as well talk about down the line) when you breathe in picture yourself breathing in a calming blue smoke and when you breath out picture a grey smoke leaving and taking your nervousness with it. Breath in the good; breath out the bad.

Okay but how do we do this in the kitchen? That’s a topic for another time but to get your creative juices flowing: stirring, breath work, visualization, affirmations, incantations and correspondences are all ways to add your intention.

And that’s where I will stop for today. I went a little crazy with how much I wrote and I didn’t want to overwhelm anyone so stay tuned for future installments. The next few are going to help me build to what I was planning on the main idea being for this one but there was just TOO MUCH information I wanted to give you! After that though I would love to hear about what you are interested in learning so please, please, please let me know! Manifestation? Intuition? Divination? The world is our oyster!

PS when the following posts are created I will link them! :)

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Quick and Easy Dinners: 3 Can Casserole

Get ready to get creative! The recipe I have in store for you today is comfort mixed with creativity and has room to mess around with it! 3 Can Casserole! It is exactly as it sounds; grab three cans from your pantry and a base starch and casserole it up!

I want to bring a little more magick into the post today and talk to you about intuitive ingredient picking so keep tuned below if you’re interested in that and if not don't forget to stir in some love because food isn't the same without the home-cooked, loving feel.

That being said I will say that the associations I make with this recipe are comfort and ease. Specifically with today's variation I also associate abundance with the rice base. I want to take this moment to point out that although with every ingredient comes the traditional correspondences you can always add whatever intention you need that day as well as thinking about what these recipes mean to you as a whole. I'm thinking about doing a different kind of post about kitchen witchery basics, if you're interested in that please let me know in the comments below!

So, the ingredients in this recipe change every time but as per usual I’ll give you some options below the recipe. The main idea is grab one can each of a vegetable, a protein and a cream of soup and then choose a base like rice, pasta or quinoa. I’ll put the ingredients I used for this one in the list but remember that you can use whatever you’ve got in your pantry. Also, if you don't happen to have a cream of soup in your pantry a pasta sauce will work just don't add the extra water.


* I used a shallow casserole dish (about an inch and a half deep and 10 x 8) when I use my 2 inch deep I do the same as below except i use a full can of corn)

1 can vegetable (1/2 can corn)
1 can protein (salmon)
1 can cream of soup ( cream of broccoli)
Enough starch that, when cooked, will fill your casserole dish 1/2 of the way ( 1 1/2 cups rice)

Salt and pepper to taste

Optional cheese
Optional bread crumbs
Optional other seasonings

Cook your starch as per the instructions to al dente



 Toss into your greased casserole dish.




Drain you vegetables and protein, add them and the cream of soup to the dish and half the amount of water. Mix until everything is covered.


 In an oven preheated to 350, place your casserole for 15 minutes. 



If you're topping it off with cheese or breadcrumbs now is the time to do it. At this point turn your oven to broil keep a close eye, things burn quickly on broil, cook for about 3 to 5 minutes. 

** pro tip ** let your casserole rest for ten or so minutes before cutting into it and lifting pieces will be much easier. They will stick together after resting.


And… Bon Appetit! 

So some options for you to try out:

Cream of broccoli, tuna and corn with quinoa

Cream of celery, 3 bean medley, and green beans with rotini

Cream of chicken, chickpeas, and mushrooms with brown rice

Cream of mushroom, black beans and peas with penne

Or any combination of any of these ingredients! The options are almost endless!

Now let’s talk about intuitive ingredient picking. Do you ever start using the same spice over and over again? Open your cupboard and just HAVE to use that can of tomatoes? Been eating a lot of rice lately? Maybe it’s your intuition calling out to you that that's what you need right now.

First, take some time to think about what that ingredient means to you. Was it something you ate a lot at a certain time in your life or during a specific season? Maybe you ate it on a momentous day? What feelings does this bring up for you?

And second, keeping it in mind takes some time to research the ingredient in both its mundane and metaphysical importance. Look at what affects it has on your body. Is it an anti inflammatory? Or antibiotic? And then look at what it might do for your spirit or what it might help you manifest in your life? Is it associated with abundance? Love? Maybe your body is feeling a little beat down or your ego feeling a little need for love.

And finally, look back at what’s been going on and also keep an eye out to the future and see if you experience any synchronicities.

As an example, I had a spurt of wanting to put cardamom in everything. This happened just before I started down my journey. Looking back it makes me wonder if my intuition was trying to help me gain clarity of mind and push me further down this path.

Let me know down below if you notice anything interesting when you pay more mindful attention to the ingredients you're using.

The Short and Gritty 


1 can vegetable (1/2 can corn)
1 can protein (salmon)
1 can cream of soup ( cream of broccoli)
Enough starch that, when cooked, will fill your casserole dish 1/2 of the way ( 1 1/2 cups rice)Salt and pepper to taste

Optional cheese
Optional bread crumbs
Optional other seasonings


1. Cook starch base
2. place all ingredients in a greased casserole dish except topping
3. place in oven at 350 for 15 minutes
4. if topping put your crumbs or cheese on now, broil for short amount of me keeping an eye in it (3 to 5 minutes)

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Bringing it Back! DOUGH variety: Part 1- Cinnamon Buns

So remember that first post? The one with “The Most Versatile Recipe?” We’re circling back! We’re doing it again but it's gonna be sweeter and rounder!

As promised, this is part 1 of an unknown amount of ways you can use the simple bread dough form my first post. I'm still finding new ways and new flavours to mess around with so I really don't know how many parts this series will have which excited me!

This is one of my partner’s favourite foods and when I found this recipe and they told me I could make it we were both over the moon! And in addition to being able to create a classic you can add even more variety with different fillings! Even better you can make it sweet or savoury; I stuck with some sweet options this time but if you’re interested in how to make a dinner version let me know in the comments below!

So what are we making!? If you missed the title, it's Cinnamon rolls! (well, chai spice rolls, apple cinnamon rolls, cream cheese and jam rolls and maple and brown sugar rolls)

So before we get into the fun stuff, you need to flip back to the recipe. DOUGH For those of you comfortable with it already I’ll leave the short and gritty here:


2 1/2 cups Flour
1 tsp Salt

2 1/2 tsp Yeast
1 1/2 tsp Sugar

2 tbsp Oil
1 cup Warm water


1. Mix first two ingredients.

2a. If you're using active cry yeast include the next two ingredients.

2b. If you're using traditional yeast mix last four ingredients together and let sit for 10 minutes.

3. Add wet to dry, mix in the bowl until it comes together into a ball.

4. Turn out onto floured surface and knead for about 5 minutes adding small amounts of flour when it becomes too sticky.

5. Place in greased loaf pan and cover with a clean tea towel. Allow to rise for 40 minutes


1 batch Dough

2 tsp spices
sweetener to taste
1/4 filling

Okay, so once you have your dough made and you’ve proofed it that’s where we start getting fun with it!

Take your dough, turn it out on a lightly floured surface and grab your rolling pin.
Roll that bad boy out into a rectangle. (I forgot a picture of this step! But I have faith in you guys)

I then cut mine into four equal strips but this is not necessary. I only did this to do multiple flavours!

This is where things change up a bit but basically, spread your filling and sprinkle your spices across the whole thing.

** pro tip ** Brushing a little melted butter helps those spices stick if you haven't used a saucy filling
Start rolling it up.
** pro tip ** If you’re using something thicker like jam think more about folding than rolling so you don't squeeze out all that yummy goodness! If there's a little space that fine because were going to let them rise a little bit more before baking them

** witchy tip ** as you roll your dough envision your intention being rolled up with your ingredients and as you pinch it view it as sealing in your wishes

Once you have a log rolled, lightly pinch the edge together with the layer beneath it and then slice into smaller logs about 1.5 inches in height but change it up as you see fit for serving size or yield. I usually get 12 out of the dough recipe.

** pro tip ** A pizza cutter works surprisingly well to cut them. I prefer anything straight edge, you'd THINK a bread knife would be the best option but i find the dough too pliable and it moves around a lot. Of course, experiment and find out what works best for you. The outcome (and safety) is far more important than using the "right” tool.

This next part has some options. You can cook the rolls on a greased cookie sheet OR in a greased casserole dish. This depends on how much you want them to spread out and also if you mind them sticking together a bit. I usually do them in casserole dish and they end up being a little like pull apart bread but I like that I can control the size a bit better. let your rolls rise for 15 minutes while you preheat the oven to 360.
Place in the oven preheated to 360 and bake for 20-25 minutes (the juicier and closer together your rolls the longer you will need to bake them). Let sit for 5 minutes and then remove to a cooling rack. You can serve right away or pack them up for future breakfasts in an airtight container.

Now for some filling options besides just cinnamon!

(For the witchy part I’m gonna do something a little different since we’ve seen a lot of these ingredients already, if you’d be interested in me adding a growing list of correspondences to this blog let me know!)

Chai spice (or just cinnamon):

Brush a little melted butter and then simply sprinkle it on. If you wanna go for a chai spice over your classic cinnamon try adding some ginger, cloves, cardamom and nutmeg. Don't forget to sweeten them with a little sugar and a small pinch of salt.

I view chai (and cinnamon in general) as warm, inviting and cozy. I’d use this variety when you have family and friends coming over and you want to make sure everyone feels welcome or just during the winter and you want a little actual warmth!

Cream cheese and jam:

I mixed a little sugar into the cream cheese, placed it in the microwave for about 15 seconds to make it spreadable. Spread it across the dough, dollop some jam of your choosing and spread that across too! It really is that simple!
This will change a little depending on what kind of jam you're using but in general this match gives me a creative vibe. It's a little adventurous so if you're in a creative rut roll up some creativity intentions in this one!

Apple and cinnamon:

Spread a little applesauce and sprinkle with a little cinnamon.
This combination reminds me of childhood so if you're working on your inner child or needs a boost to nostalgia this is the variety for you!

Maple and brown sugar:

Because Canada! Spread out your brown sugar and then lightly drizzle with real maple syrup!
Soothing the psyche and sweetening your self vision. When you feel like you've been getting down on yourself lately throw some self love into your rolls with maple and brown sugar!

Try out some of your own spice and filling creations and let me know what you came up with! Tag me on Instagram @cooking_with_spirit, catch me over on Facebook, and follow me in the sidebar!

The Short and Gritty


1 batch Dough

2 tsp spices
sweetener to taste
1/4 filling


1. Follow the dough recipe right up until after you've proofed it

2. Turn out onto lightly floured surface and flatten into a rectangle with a rolling pin

3. Spread your choice of filling, sweetener and/or spices across the whole thing

4. Roll it up into a log

5. Cut into 1.5 inch thick rounds

6. Place on a greased pan or in a greased casserole container and

7. Allow to rise for 15 minutes while you preheat the oven to 360

8. Bake for 20 - 25 minutes at 360