Thursday, August 27, 2020

Summertime Favourites: Potato and Egg Salad

Hey everyone! Coming at you with a summer BBQ classic. Autumn is just around the corner but we definitely have a little bit of summer left so we might as well make the most of it. This was an experiment for me as I usually make just potato salad but I thought I'd be adventurous and try out another traditional variation.

As with most things there is a lot you can do to make this salad your own but I want to keep it super simple this time around; if you want some ideas to spice things up let me know in the comments below and I’ll let you in on a few of my favourites!



4-5 medium sized potatoes (or 3 large ex. russet)
3 eggs

¼ cup onion* about ¼ of large, ½ of medium/small
¼ cup bell pepper* about ½ of one

¾ cup mayo
¼ cup vinegar*
Salt and pepper to taste

Extras if ya gottem’

*variety is up to you but i have the following suggestions:
Onion: red, shallot, green
Bell pepper: colour opposite the onion for visual variety
Vinegar: white, apple cider, rice

First step needs to be done ahead of time. You’ll want to hard boil eggs and boil the potatoes until soft. It's up to you if you want to keep the skins on; I personally like a rustic look and taste and so leave them on unless I'm using russets.

*pro tip* making the whole recipe ahead of time, just like soups and sauces, as it will help the dressing really soak in to your ingredients.

Once boiled and cooled it’s time to get chopping. I like to do cubes for the potatoes about ¾ in. and I tried half wedges for the eggs. I like the way that turned out but you could do slices or a more diced look too.

*pro tip* run your knife under hot water before and throughout cutting your eggs. It will help you get smooth cuts and will help prevent the yolk from sticking to your blade.

Along with chopping the bulk of your salad we also need to dice your vegetables. I like to do about a half inch dice for both pepper and onion. I'd rather be on the small side of dice but if you like a good fresh crunch you could go bigger especially with the bell pepper.

Now for the dressing! I have a go-to dressing base for my potato and pasta salads that works well as is and even better when you jazz it up with some herbs and spices! Simply at ¾ cup mayo to ¼ cup vinegar and then add salt and pepper to taste. If this is a little too tart for you add a little bit of sweetener (sugar, honey etc.) but I like my dressings pretty acidic. You can also bring up the creaminess with yogurt or sour cream.

*witchy tip* don't forget to stir in your intentions!
This next part is mostly intuitive except I decided to leave the egg out until everything else was coated with dressing because of its fragility. So, mix together everything until coated, add in your eggs and gently fold to keep them as intact as possible; it's not going to be perfect and that’s okay!

Now into the metaphysical! As I was deciding what I was putting into this recipe I realized what kind of intentions would be perfect for it! These ingredients just screamed, “Out with the negativity and in with the healing!”

Eggs for protection, onion to repel negativity and green bell pepper to promote healing. What a happy accident that happens to be. I’ve been talking a lot about healing and trauma recently and I think this was a nudge in the direction to help them and myself to get rid of the negativity and focus on bringing good into our lives. Hopefully this message reaches those that need it and even if you don't decide to make this potato salad you can still take this and run with it in your own way.

Of course there are other ways to use this recipe with different intentions and adding more correspondences. Even the ingredients you have in front of you with this can have a totally different meaning. Don’t forget to listen to your intuition!

Don’t forget: I want to see what you’ve got cooking! Tag me on Instagram or show me over on my Facebook page! In addition to this let me know what you want to see! Have a request for a recipe? An ingredient spotlight? A kitchen witchery basics topic or term? Let me know! Check out the side bar for all the ways you can get in contact with me!

The Short and Gritty


4-5 medium sized potatoes (or 3 large ex. russet)
3 eggs

¼ cup onion
¼ cup bell pepper

¾ cup mayo
¼ cup vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Hard boil your eggs and boil potatoes until soft. Let them cool.

2. Chop them as well as your vegetables.

3. Combine mayo, vinegar and salt and pepper to create the dressing.

4. Put everything in a bowl except the eggs and mix until coated.

5. Add the eggs and gently fold in.

6. Bon Appetit!

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