Thursday, November 19, 2020

Colour Magic: Kitchen Witchery Basics Part 4

So now that we understand correspondences and intuition and all that jazz let's get into some more specific stuff. I’m going to start doing ingredient spotlights soon but I thought I would start with something that can be applied across the board, colour magic.

This often applies to other parts of your magic workings like candle colour or ink colour but it can just as easily be applied to kitchen witchery in my opinion. Whether it’s the colour of your ingredients or you add a little food colouring to your icing you can intentionally choose colours that match your goals. Use these correspondences the way you would any other. If you dont want to add them to your dish you can even just burn a candle the corresponding colour with the intention of fusing with your cooking.

I think it’s important to remind you that correspondences can be personalized just like you may associate a specific taste or scent with love or cleansing; you may associate colours differently than the traditional meanings as well. So take some time to yourself and think about what colours mean to you. What emotions do they evoke? Is there a specific memory tied to them? Do they remind you of a planet or deity? How do you think society or the witchy community view them? When you're done you can look below and see the traditional meanings as well as my own personal associations. See what you know to be intuitively right and also see what your personal gnosis** is.

** Unverified personal gnosis (often abbreviated UPG) is the phenomenological concept that an individual`s spiritual insights (or gnosis) may be valid for them without being generalizable to the experience of others. It is primarily a neologism used in polytheistic reconstructionism, to differentiate it from ancient sources of spiritual practices. (from:

Colour Correspondences
The first line will be my personal associations and the second will be the generally agreed upon traditions.

- Passion (negative or positive, anger or desire/lust,) Mars and Mercury, Fire, blood and heart, Root chakra (therefore grounding,) ancestors
- courage, passion, love, sex, fast action

-Creativity, focused energy, gentle cleansing, sacral chakra (therefore sexual health and fertility,)
-Ambition, concentration, intellectual pursuits, success, legal issues

-Happiness, gentle energy, refreshing, lightness, the Sun, Jupiter, solar chakra (therefore self identity)
-Attractiveness, clarity, happiness, travel

-Physical health, prosperity, abundance, growth, Green witch, Venus, Jupiter, Earth, heart chakra (therefore relationships, especially familial and platonic)
-Growth, fertility, harmony, health, prosperity, wealth

-Calm, centering, meditation, Sea witch, Pluto, Water, mental/emotional health, throat chakra (therefore self expression)
-Dream work, healing, intuition, loyalty, peace, spirituality

-Spiritual health and connection, other planes, manifesting, Hedge witch, Uranus, third eye and crown chakras (therefore divination, sight and spiritual connection/your higher self)
-Higher self, communing with higher beings, meditation, psychic ability and development

-Love, self love, intimacy, fertility, acceptance, memory, the brain
-Beauty, compassion, femininity, partnerships, romance, innocent love

-Grounding, homelife, strength, slow and steady, Cottage witch, Saturn, Earth
-Abundance, family, friends, grounding, pets, stability

-Protection, banish, afterlife, divination (specifically scrying,) New Moon, ends and beginnings/cycles (think Death card/ Wheel of Fortune)
-Absorbing energy, banishing, breaking habits and hexes etc, protection, self defense
-Balance, Grey witch,
-“Invisibility,” passing unnoticed or blending in, shielding, loneliness, neutralizing energy, wisdom

-Cleansing, all purpose (blank slate,) charging, Full Moon
-All purpose, cleansing, purification, truth, reflecting energy

As an extra slice of fun, I’ll be starting a series of soups that I’ve had rolling around in my head for YEARS! It was originally going to be part of a recipe book but I never pursued that idea. It’s going to be soups based on the colours of the rainbow! Now that it is getting colder I feel like it's the perfect time to start. So stick around for that in the coming few months!

Let me know in the comments how your personal associations compare to mine and the traditions!

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