Thursday, September 10, 2020

Autumn: Pumpkin Spice It Up

Mmmmm, Autumn is in the air! I love Autumn. I’ve noticed that I have come to like all seasons for different reasons but Autumn is definitely still my favourite. I love cozy sweaters, warm beverages and brisk breezes. And I simply couldn't start Autumn off without Pumpkin Spice. It’s become a well known staple despite being a long time used blend its popularity definitely came with the Pumpkin Spice Latte (or PSL.) So today I kind of have 2 recipes for you but they’re both virtually the same thing in different forms. I’ll give you a base for a dry, baking spice mix and then I also made my own Pumpkin Spice Syrup!

I’m giving 2 batch sizes so you can easily make a large amount to use throughout autumn and winter for all your baking needs

1 tsp ground cinnamon
¼ tsp nutmeg
¼ tsp ground ginger
⅛ tsp ground cloves

Yielding ~ 1 ½ tsp


5 tbsp ground cinnamon
4 tsp ground nutmeg
4 tsp ground ginger
2 tsp ground cloves

Yielding 8 tbsp total

Simply combine all ingredients together. If making a large batch store in an airtight container.

Of course you can use this in oatmeal, over ice cream, in hot chocolate and a bunch of other ways too

1 cup water
1 cup white sugar (you could also use brown sugar)
1 cinnamon stick
2 whole cloves
½ in slice of fresh ginger, rough chop
⅛ tsp fresh nutmeg, grated or sliced

First we’ll start by making a simple syrup which is equal parts sugar and water. We want to bring this to a simmer over medium high and dissolve the sugar. Turn the heat down to medium heat.

* protip *flavoured simple syrup is a fun way to jazz up coffees, cocktails and sparkling water. so experiment! or let me know you crave more ideas and i can do a post all about it!

Place your fresh spices into the syrup and allow to steep for 5 minutes. You can go longer or shorter depending on how strong you want your syrup to be just as you can simmer for a longer period of time to create a thicker syrup.

Once the syrup is as strong as you like, strain the ingredients through a fine mesh sieve and store, in the fridge, in an airtight container. I lucked out and had a clean honey jar in my cupboard.

Of course with both of these recipes you can play around with ratios of ingredients as well as adding in some extra ones. I’m a huge fan of cardamom personally.

* protip * If you choose to add cardamom you could also add black pepper and then you suddenly have a chai spice mix or syrup which is also perfect for the Autumn season.

Pumpkin Spice

Pumpkin spice is associated with the element of fire, masculine energies and the planets Mars and Jupiter.

Overall it can easily be used for good luck, love and/or money drawing as all the components share these correspondences.

Within these four ingredients we see a few other correspondences shared between more than one ingredient, namely: protection and healing.

As with any other blend you can also focus on one spice and this blend specifically lends itself to that very nicely as some of the spices (cinnamon and ginger) are power boosters meaning that while they have their own correspondences they will also boost any other correspondence you happen to blend them with. 

For an example you could focus on the divination and clairvoyance of cloves and nutmeg while asking cinnamon and ginger to add power and speed to your manifestations.  

In addition to their magickal correspondences these ingredients share some mundane qualities as well. They all contribute to healthy digestion by alleviating discomfort from nausea or indigestion and stimulating when things aren't running quite right. However, while they may promote healthy digestion and ease discomfort too much of a good thing can be bad. Consuming too much may lead to over stimulation (moving waste too quickly), heartburn and stomach upset (cinnamon is particularly ruthless when over consumed.) Nutmeg in particular can be extremely harmful so be careful with your consumption levels as it is toxic and can cause mental disturbances as well as other physical maladies, it is recommended to not consume more than ¼ tsp (which in reality is a lot for a single serving.) If you are pregnant or suffer with ulcers these may not be the right home remedies for you. And of course ALWAYS TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR before using home remedies. Some may interfere with medications or conditions you have so please do not use these on my recommendation alone.

Additional correspondences to look at:

Cinnamon: spirituality, success, healing, adds energy, protection, prosperity, good luck, love, happiness, money, enhance the male libido

Nutmeg: wealth, luck, love, divination, money drawing, health, fidelity, clairvoyance, encourage visions

Ginger: Balance, grounding, love, clarity, money, success, power, stability, healing, adds power, and adds passion to existing relationships

Cloves: Protection, clarity, banishing evil, love, stopping gossip, money, clairvoyance, keep good friends close, good luck, prosperity exorcism, purification 

Mundane uses:

Cinnamon: upset stomachs, including car sickness and morning sickness, and digestive problems, including gas, vomiting, and diarrhea

Ginger: treatment of upset stomach, anti-inflammatory 

Cloves: antibacterial and anesthetic, antiviral, stimulant, improve digestion, prevent and relieve flatulence and relieve nausea and diarrhea

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