Thursday, September 24, 2020

Just Peachy

I was so excited to make this one! I’d never made a cobbler before and I didn't know how cool it was until I started looking at recipes. This one has some science to it and that science actually helped me with some cool ideas for the Kitchen Witchery side of things! There is definitely something here for both practitioners and non-practitioners. Or maybe I get excited over small things, who knows?

I actually made this for my family when they came over for a small, socially distanced visit and it was quite the hit. As with most of the things I make you can definitely switch up a lot of the parts in this recipe but rather than give away all my secrets at once we’re going to stick to a simple peach cobbler this go-around. By all means though get creative in your own kitchen and let me know how things turn out!



¼ cup unsalted butter
½ cup AP flour
1 cup sugar, divided ½ cup and ½ cup
½ tbsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
1 cup milk

2 cup sliced peaches
½ tbsp lemon juice

First things first, melt your butter in an 8in by 8in baking pan. You can melt in it in your preheating oven or just melt in the microwave or over the stove. Your oven should be pre-heating to 375 as there will be reactions happening in your other ingredients once you start mixing.

Start your fruit filling by placing you peaches, lemon juice and half a cup of sugar in a pot on medium heat. As the fruit cooks it will let out its juices and soon you'll have a thick and chunky peach sauce. You’ll want this mixture to come to a boil.

** pro tip ** different cuts of your peaches will give you slightly different results. Try slices, dices or wedges

While that's cooking mix together your dry ingredients (AP flour, ½ cup sugar, baking powder and salt.) When those peaches are starting to resemble a sauce it's time to stir your milk into your dry ingredients. You don't want to do this too early because the baking powder will begin to react with the liquid and we want to save that for while it's in the oven. You don't want to over stir this for the same reason you don't want to mix in your liquids too soon.

** pro tip ** there’s nothing stopping you from throwing in your favourite baking spices to your fruit or the dough or sprinkling them on top just before you bake

Now that all your parts are ready, pour your flour mixture into your pan. Don't stir. Now pour your peaches on top of that. Don't stir.

Place pan in your preheated oven and cook for 40- 45 minutes. Until it’s golden brown on top. While it’s cooking is when that science happens that i was talking about. The batter is going to rise and that's what gives you that classic fruit and batter splotchy look. I always thought the fruit and batter were dolloped in to get that splotchy look, I guess I never really paid attention. I thought this was really cool.

Et Voila!

So onto the metaphysical stuff!

: femininity, female fertility, protection, love, vitality, fertility

Feminine, Water, Venus

I think the idea of protection along with a cobbler goes very well. And I think it can play out in a very specific way. Because of the way cobbler is made the bottom layer comes to the top as it cooks and I think this can coincide with bringing things to the light. So if you feel like there is something that is just beyond view that you may need protection from, peach cobbler may be the right recipe for you. Ask your cobbler to bring to light the things you need to protect yourself from and go from there.

** witch tip ** keep your pits, dry them out and use them to create protection amulets. You can carve sigils or petitions into them to add to their protective nature.

Of course this idea of bringing things to light can be applied in other ways with your cobbler. Even in sticking with peaches as peaches are heavily associated with love, femininity and fertility. If you are having problems in these areas you can ask the cobbler for the same thing, bring to light that which needs to be dealt with.

I had a fun idea while I was writing this actually, I'm not quite sure how well it would work but, perhaps we can take this even further and try using a scrying method similar to that of cloud scrying. Bring your focus in the same way you would before meditating, reading cards or beginning spellwork. Now, look for shapes in the cobbler, whether in the risen dough or in the peachy negative space and see if you can glean anything from that. Let me know if this works for you!



¼ cup unsalted butter
½ cup AP flour
1 cup sugar, divided ½ cup and ½ cup
½ tbsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
1 cup milk

2 cup sliced peaches
½ tbsp lemon juice


1. preheat oven to 375
2. melt butter in 8x8 baking dish
3. mix peaches 1/2 cup sugar and lemon juice in pot and bring to a boil, simmer until thick
4. mix dry ingredient
5. add milk to dry ingredients, don't over mix
6. pour batter into dish, don't stir
7. pour peaches over batter, don't stir
8. place in oven, bake for 40 -45 minutes, until golden

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