Thursday, January 28, 2021

Rainbow Soups: Yellow -- Lentil and Turmeric Soup

We’re past the longest night and beginning to welcome back the sun. Some of us have begun spring cleaning with Imbolc just around the corner. Yellow welcomes in a refreshing happiness after the dark and turmeric specifically aids us in the cold and flu season of winter with its correspondence to health (although there are better ones for specifically the flu as turmeric is antibacterial not antiviral)

This soup is very turmeric forward but feel free to play around with it. If you find the taste too overpowering try adding a sweetener to offset the bitterness.



1 carrot
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
2 tsp minced ginger
Oil or butter for saute
1 cup lentils, I used red
4 cups broth
1tbsp lemon juice 
1 tbsp turmeric
1/2 tsp cardamom
1/4 tsp cloves
1/2 tsp cumin
salt and pepper to taste


Start by dicing your carrot, onion and garlic. Keep in mind we won't be blending this soup so size and conformity are something to pay a little extra attention to. I cut the carrots and onion to about 1/2 inch pieces and minced the garlic and ginger. Heat up your fat (butter or oil) in the pot you will be using and toss in your diced veggies. 

Let those cook until the onions are translucent and the whole shebang is aromatic. Add in your spices and sauté for another minute or two.

Add in your broth and bring it up to a boil then reduce your heat. This isn't the usual way I cook lentils but I want to ensure the carrots are cooked. Let simmer for about 5 minutes then add your lentils. Simmer until the lentils are tender. This will depends on what type of lentils you are using. I have red on hand (and they are a good option for soup, I haven't tried any others yet myself) and they cook very quickly so I only have to simmer them for about 8 to 12 minutes.

Do a quick taste test and adjust your spices. Add salt and pepper if necessary and your soup is ready to go!

To the metaphysical!

As we emerge from our caves of hibernation (metaphorically of course) and self-reflection it is time to delve into the new. We ask for clarity in the upcoming year of growth. We have a new sense of self identity from our wintertime musings. A focus on health and fertility hangs in the air. Turmeric plays a role in each of these energies. It isn't quite spring yet but the mind can't help but think of the future. 

This soup has a great sense of abundance with all its little bits and bobs, lentils and diced vegetables. It's a great time to remember that abundance doesn't always mean prosperity or money but rather a lot of any energy you wish to manifest. This means that with this recipe you could attribute your abundance to health, happiness or fertility.

In addition to all of the metaphysical magic, turmeric is often touted as magic in the health and wellness community as well; mostly for its anti-inflammatory properties but also as an antibacterial, antiseptic, digestive, antioxidant and diuretic agent. While I knew this beforehand this research has led me to, perhaps, make turmeric more a part of my diet. So if you see a lot of turmeric based recipes in the near future you’ll know why.

Overall: Sun. Gentle starts, health, fertility.

Turmeric: Sun. Masculine. Leo. Fire. Many Hindu deities. Fertility, Health, Purification, Protection

Lentils: Moon. Water. Prosperity, abundance, circle of life.

Yellow: Sun. Happiness, gentle energy, refreshing, lightness, solar chakra (therefore self identity,) attractiveness, clarity, travel

Short and Gritty


1 carrot
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
2 tsp minced ginger
Oil or butter for sauté
1 cup lentils, I used red
4 cups broth
1tbsp lemon juice 
1 tbsp turmeric
1/2 tsp cardamom
1/4 tsp cloves
1/2 tsp cumin
salt and pepper to taste


1. Dice carrot and onion. Mince garlic and ginger.
2. Sauté until onion is translucent and mixture is aromatic
3. Mix in spices and cook for another minute or two, waiting for the aroma to build
4. Add broth and bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes
5. Add lentils and simmer until tender, red lentils take about 8 to 12 minutes
6 .Taste test and add salt and pepper as needed
7. Serve and enjoy

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