Thursday, January 7, 2021

Seasonal - Winter Warmth: Chili

I absolutely cannot get enough chili ever. This is one of those things I like to make a huge batch of and keep some in the freezer. It's relatively simple and can be made simpler by using canned everything. I usually have a fair amount of dried beans on hand so I used those most other ingredients are coming from cans for me. You mostly just throw everything in a pot and walk away. A few tiny steps before that.

Pair this with with some dinner rolls using my DOUGH recipe and your set for a delicious, warm meal.



1lb beef
1 cup dried beans*, soaked over night and boiled until soft
1/2 green pepper
1/2 red pepper
1 can corn
1 onion
1-2 jalapenos
2-3 stalks celery
1 can crushed tomatoes

1 tbsp chili powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp cumin
to taste, salt and pepper
to taste, cayenne or hot sauce, optional

* I used red kidney and black turtle but you could use one, the other and/or white kidney beans

 ** witchy tip** if youre using dried beans set your intentions before you begin the soaking process to allow that intention to really fuse into the beans.

** witchy tip ** if you're into divination check out favomancy. If you like podcasts I know The Witch Bitch Amateur Hour did an episode on this ;) Maybe there's a way to do some favomancy and then use that reading to add intention to what you cook with them later!?


Start by dicing your onion, celery and peppers. Onion and celery I like pretty small but the peppers can be a little chunkier. Of course this is up to personal preference; if you're trying to hide your veggies cutting them small will hide them pretty well. It wont hurt to basically mince them, it'll just be different.

Saute those is a little bit of olive oil until translucent.

While those cook, brown your beef. Basically this is cooking your beef just until brown, be careful not to over cook. If you are health conscious drain your beef; if your flavour conscious don't!

**Pro Tip ** cook your beef first and saute your veggies in the beef drippings.

Once both of those are cooked you just throw everything else in your pot! Add also a half a tomato can of water to your pot. I like to keep my jalapenos out until I'm almost done to preserve their spiciness but if your going more for flavour you can add them now or, in fact, you can saute them in the beginning step.

Bring up to a simmer and allow to reduce until its the thickness you like. Taste often and adjust with more salt, chili or spiciness to your taste.

Feel free to play around with amounts and additions or subtractions and let me know how it goes!

To the Metaphysical!

I personally see this as a recipe for abundance. The same way we associate rice with abundance because its so many small parts I feel the same with the many beans. I think its important to remember that abundance can related to more that money and even more than the material. Sit down and think about what you could use more of in your life and see if you can find something else in this recipe that corresponds with that, which I'm sure you can because we got a whole lot going on! And even if not your intentions are what matter most.

If we choose to look only at beans the best choices for abundance will be knowledge (or divination power,) creativity or prosperity. However we can look at the colours and see green, red, and yellow. So anything you associate with those colours are easily added. Protection is always an option especially with the spicy additions and salt. Comfort and warmth in the literal and metaphorical sense would make this a good option for home magic as well as for guests, especially those that you plan on having for an extended stay.

Finally, I want to talk about an historical use. In ancient Rome, edible beans were distributed and eaten at funerals. Other cultures also see beans as a good offering to the dead. When I read this I immediately thought about how beans would be a perfect dish for a dumb supper. I may have to figure out an appropriate chili recipe for next Samhain! Or really any other time you choose to have dinner with the dead, perhaps while visiting the grave of a loved one.

Beans: Air, Mercury, Masculine. Wisdom, divination, prosperity, creativity and communication.
Black turtle: jump hurdles and make important decisions.
Red Kidney: wisdom, love and healing.

Short and Gritty


1lb beef
1 cup dried beans*, soaked over night and boiled until soft
1/2 green pepper
1/2 red pepper
1 can corn
1 onion
1-2 jalapenos
2-3 stalks celery
1 can crushed tomatoes

11/2 tbsp chili powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp cumin
to taste, salt and pepper
to taste, cayenne or hot sauce, optional

* I used red kidney and black turtle but you could use one, the other and/or white kidney beans


1. Dice onion, celery, bell peppers and saute until translucent
2. Brown beef
3. Add everything to pot plus half a tomato can of water
4. Bring to a simmer and let it reduce to the thickness you'd like
5. Make sure to taste test and add salt, chili or spiciness to your taste

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