Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Rainbow Soups: Orange -- Carrot Ginger

As the year flips from 2020 to 2021 a lot of focus is falling to reflection and goal setting; I've been talking about the reflection and relaxation part but I'm starting to move into the goal setting part of the dark half of my year. I've been slowly building up a brain dump list in my bullet journal (I'm probably gonna make a video so if that's something you're interested in let me know and give me that motivation!)

So, in accordance with that, we're looking at an Orange soup: Carrot Ginger! Get that passion burning and your eyes ready to see!



3 carrots
1 onion
1tbsp fresh ginger
2 cloves garlic
2cups broth
1tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
to taste salt and pepper


I like to roast my carrots before adding them to the soup simply for time sake. You can skip this step and just let them cook in the broth or dice them up and throw em in the pan with the next step for a sweeter soup. So, I rough chopped my carrots and tossed them in a little oil and salt and pepper and roasted them in a 350 oven for 20-30 minutes. they don't have to be perfectly soft because they will cook in the soup but you should be able to get a fork in them.

While those are roasting, dice your onion, garlic and ginger. Heat a little bit of oil in a pan (or the pot you want to use for your soup) and add the onions first. When they become translucent you can add the other two ingredients. Saute until aromatic, basically until you go go, "oh, that smells delicious."

Next will be the broth. If you've done this in your pot simply add the broth and swish around to deglaze. If you did it in a separate pan transfer your veggies to a pot and deglaze with just a little bit of your broth and then put all the broth in the pot.

** pro tip ** deglazing is used toipck up all the carmellized sugars left behind. It is the secret to many flavourful dishes.

** witchy tip ** deglaizng can be used as a visualization for letting things go or digging deeper.

Add your roasted carrots and spices and bring to a boil. Reduce to low heat and let those flavours mingle. Check back in 15 - 20 minutes to see if the carrots are tender. Once they are its time to remove from the heat. Be SAFE and let it cool down. For this step you can do small batches in a blender (it is most important to let it cool down because it will build pressure inside the blender) or and immersion blender.

Blend until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste and you can also adjust the thickness. Going thicker is harder but can be done by adding a little cornstarch or flour to some water and add that, bring it back up to a simmer. To go thinner simply add a little water, broth or cream.

Et voila! I like to garnish with a little parsley for the colour contrast.

To the Metaphysical!

As I said earlier this is often a time of goal setting. This soup is great for that on a general level but also is perfect for what I am focusing on this year. I've chosen the word create as my word of the year (the first time I've ever done this) and this soup carries a vein of creativity in it. While the focus of this is the colour orange and it's traditional meanings lean more toward a generalized goal setting energy I have found I personally associate orange with creativity.

But this is not about only me so lets take a look at the goal setting aspects of this soups correspondences. First we'll delve into the separate ingredients and the colour and then we will put them all together and see what they have in common and what I think this soups power is.

Carrots act to dispel illusions and allow you to see clearly. This helps you to set good (s.m.a.r.t) goals. In addition to this carrots can be associated with the three lower chakras: root because it is a root vegetable, sacral because of its colour and solar plexus again tied to its colour. This means that it will help to ground you and keep you focused on the task at hand, stoke the passion within you and allow your creativity to flow.

Ginger works like cinnamon in the sense that it adds to whatever energy is already present but if your goals center around money this would be an appropriate ingredient to pull on for that as well as stability. I think this is probably a type of goal a lot of people are leaning towards after the odd year we've had.

Orange is the most pertinent here for goal setting as it lends energy of ambition, concentration and success. In addition to this if your goals involve learning this is also a great correspondence for intellectual pursuits.

Overall, the takeaway I have form this recipe is the association with the three lower chakras because I think it means that you can use this for many types of goals. The thing that really popped into my head while compiling this was Maslow's hierarchy of needs because from these three chakras we can pull from almost all levels of that pyramid easily from safety to self expression.

So get to stirring in your intentions and setting those goals. Let me know in the comments below what you've been reflecting on and what you'd like to build in the future!

Overall: Goal setting and working toward your goals from the smallest thing to the biggest (from safety to self expression.) The three lower chakras with an emphasis on sacral (sexual desire and fertility.) grounding, passion, ambition.

Carrot: Mars. Dispel illusions, protection, the three lower chakras, creativity, sexual drive, fertility and ancestral roots.

Ginger: Fire. Mars. Balance, grounding, love, clarity, money, success, power, stability, healing, passion, adds power, add passion to existing


-Creativity, focused energy, gentle cleansing, sacral chakra (therefore sexual health and fertility,)
-Ambition, concentration, intellectual pursuits, success, legal issues

Short and Gritty

3 carrots
1 onion
1tbsp fresh ginger
2 cloves garlic
2cups broth
1tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
to taste salt and pepper


1. Roast carrots in large chunks tossed in oil salt and pepper
2. Dice and saute onions, garlic and ginger
3. Deglaze with broth
4. Add all to a pot and bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer
5. Boil until all tender about 20 minutes.
6. When tender, cool and blitz with a blender or immersion blender.
7. Adjust flavours and thickness
8. Serve

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